Food Fight: Inside the Battle for Market Basket

31 thoughts
last posted March 15, 2016, 9:19 p.m.

13 earlier thoughts


I finally got to watch the Walter Murch documentary "Particle Fever" over the weekend. I didn't watch all of it, but it's a fascinating doc. The thing that was really watching it for was to see how the master edits a doc. What I found was, it's not that dissimilar in terms of style points than what I've been doing. Someone with a more refined eye might beg to differ, but from where I sat, the techniques I've been using follow his teachings pretty well.

A great example is the way that he uses b roll to transition from one segment or concept to the next. I've known for a while about the concept of "pre rolling" a section or providing set up for it. What I mean by this is having four to five shots that set a mood and shift the viewer's attention away from what they've just watched into a new location, area or concept. This is something I've been doing with Food Fight all along, which was great to see. At some point I'll post an example of this from the film.

17 later thoughts