Unit 2: Dynamics and Chaos

11 thoughts
last posted Oct. 29, 2013, 11:22 a.m.

6 earlier thoughts


The logistic model:

n_t+1 = (birthrate - deathrate) [n_t - (n_t^2 / max_population)]

The logistic map is a famous algorithm in chaos theory:

R = birthrate - deathrate
K = max population (carrying capacity)
X_t =n_t / k

x_t+1 = R (x_t - x_t^2)

Robert May and Mitchell Feigenbaum studied the logistic map.

x is always between 0 and 1.

An example:

R = 2
x_0 = .2 (20% of the carrying capacity)
x_1 = 2 (.2 - .2^2) = .32 (32% of the carrying capacity)
x_2 = 2(.32 -.32^2) = .4352
slowly approaches .5 and reaches it at x_7 and it stays at .5 for all the following generations. .5 is called an attractor. In this case it is a fixed point attractor.

A graph of x_t compared to x_t+1 for the logistic map forms a parabola.

The logistic map is a model, a simplified representation of reality.


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