The Massive

The Massive Vol. 1: Black Pacific

4 thoughts
last posted Sept. 24, 2014, 10:27 p.m.
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There is an interesting difference between the two artists in Volume 1. Garry Brown's style actually allows for the characters who are middle-aged to look a bit haggard and beat up. Kristian's Donaldson's style is so clean that all the characters look like they are in their twenties.


While the visuals of the ecological disaster that underpins the world of The Massive are striking I do find it a little difficult to follow how the Suez Canal has dried up, Hong Kong has flooded and Mogadishu is still a functioning free port.


The events of the shock are all based on interesting and plausible ocean ecological issues. It makes for a more interesting apocalypse than zombies or war.


Blackbell doesn't seem to have had a single successful operation in its history. No wonder it went under.