OSX comes with a built-in screen reader. ---- Due to tables being used for layout purposes screen readers often disregard tables. A true table is considered to have headings or many inline rows. Browsers use heuristics to examine the CSS and markup of tables to try and guess whether it is content or layout. Interesting insight into browser codebases from Edd Sowden ---- Chris Heilmann is giving a storming talk on the issues with website creation. Web development is driven by visual designs and how it looks like. "How many people work in organisations that give you the text content before the design?" ---- A lot of the innovation in web development is actually escapist utopian dreaming. ---- "Bing is a search engine, you can Google for it.", zing! ---- Browser sniffing without version checking means that even if browser fixes a bug your website doesn't get the advantage. ---- What does Safari do? Has been the defacto standard for the last five years. ---- It is silly to be demanding service workers when the input type date hasn't been implemented properly. ---- [Death to icon fonts](https://speakerdeck.com/ninjanails/death-to-icon-fonts) ---- Lots of sceptism about Javascript to do CSS but the counter-arguments are incoherent and seem to misunderstand the problem of dead code elimination or don't regard it as important.