Landscapes of the Metropolis of Death

9 thoughts
last posted Oct. 9, 2014, 7:52 p.m.

3 later thoughts


Among the veteran inmates who visited that camp shortly after our arrival in September 1943 was one who had been in concentration camps since 1939 and in Auschwitz since 1942. I mean my father. He found us, identified us among the arrivals from Theresienstadt - he knew we would come from Theresienstadt - looked for us, my mother and me, and explained to my mother, and in fact to all the inmates, the meaning of the scenes that had occurred on the platform, with the daily arrival of trainloads of prisoners, who were sorted into groups and then advanced slowly in long processions toward brick buildings with large smokestacks which spew flames and smoke day and night; explained to us about selections, about crematoria, about gas chambers - explained about Auschwitz-Birkenau

5 earlier thoughts