I was wondering whether *Gone Girl* passes the Bechdel Test, I think it does but since the topic of conversation is about the violent theft of money I'm not sure it is a massive step forward for women on-screen. ---- Went to see Inside Llewyn Davies. It was interesting to see the issue addressed of being good but not quite being lucky or good enough to breakthrough to the upper echelons. The transition between the Fifties and Sixties was also interesting with mentions of the Space Race combining with the nostalgia and "authenticity" of folk. ---- The trailer for [Brick Mansions](http://youtu.be/4CzcsN4k9FM) makes the movie look pretty racist, a white cop rampages through an all-black walled ghetto. Did no-one think this looks like American race relationships done through the prism of Schindler's List Warsaw?