
Batman: Arkham Knight

11 thoughts
last posted Sept. 6, 2015, 9:44 p.m.
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Two good jump scares in succession at the conclusion of the ACE Chemicals section. Both quite cleverly putting something behind the player viewpoint.

However this is much less successful in the flashback to Barbara Gordon's shooting as the trigger for the scene transitions are too sensitive and had me practically mashing the Batman's nose into the walls to try and get the room to reconfigure.

Anyway, bonus points of using the impossible geometry of virtual space.


The Batmobile is a terrible addition to the core Arkham gameplay. It lurches this way and that like a drunk drawn inexorably towards the sea. It is a complete contrast to the control and sensation of gliding and combat.

The destruction and reset of the car also completely breaks my immersion in the game.


Classic lock and key gate in the Riddler plotline. Unfortunately the game gives me no idea as to where I want be able to find the electricity gun.

I've enjoyed some of the Riddler's puzzle rooms but the racetracks were massively immersion breaking and tedious exercises in skill improvement.


The Harvey Dent bank robbery sections are the closest recreations of the earlier games predator sections. However I seem to be much more sloppy in my play as I frequently get spotted.

The militia towers are similar but seem to have more characters that can't be taken down so they always seem to end up with a big brawl.


They sections where you get to brawl with another character (Nightwing, Robin and Catwoman) are really great. They're so enjoyable I get annoyed that Batman spends most of the game insisting that he works alone.


I like a lot about the way the game uses impossible geometry during the hallucination scenes. Dropping characters immediately behind the character is a bit of cheap shot though.


So Gotham is covered in a poison gas cloud, which is dramatic but I do wonder about the fates of the various firefighters, policemen and militia that I hadn't dealt with below.


I really see what people mean about the Bioshock influence on the art direction. The retro future look has always been there in things like the Expo in Arkham City but it's definitely ramped up here with the oversized gear wheels, the art deco neon signs and stylised advertising boards.


The subway tank stealth section is a real difficulty spike. The tanks kill you quickly with no way to escape, the game restarts very slowly and you restart having to go through a car obstacle course to return to the stealth section.

Tempted to look at a walkthrough here.


A nice little pop culture reference in Alfred's exclamation of "Gordon's alive!", late in the game.

Still funny even after a game-killing crash...



After the Batmobile gets brutally crushed to bits by the driller I was not sad to see a faithful companion go but instead relieved that there will be no more fucking driving sections before the game ends (hopefully).

The section where you need to get the Arkham Knight to chase you was pure repetitive tedium with the reload times being punitive.