Crossfit Journal

79 thoughts
last posted Sept. 18, 2014, 10:16 p.m.

55 later thoughts


2/26/2014 8a

3 Sets:

  • 5 supermans
  • 30 second chinese planks face up
  • 30 second chinese planks face down
  • 3 bridge ups


  • 10 @ 55% - 165#
  • 10 @ 65% - 195#
  • 6 @ 75% - 225#
  • 6 @ 85% - 255#
  • 4 @ 90% - 270#
  • 2 @ 95% - 285#


100 Pushups for time

The planks and bridge ups were a bit challenging to get form down but after that I found the moves fairly easy. Deadlifts were very comfortable and I can feel that my grip strength has improved a lot. I think I'll easily move past the 300# 1RM these weights are based on. The pushups KILLED me. It took me 7:24 to finish.

23 earlier thoughts