
6 thoughts
last posted April 17, 2015, 7:48 p.m.

4 earlier thoughts



I don't like the use of the word "deadline" and now I like it even less.

Deadline? Um... it's just a project, nobody is going to die!

Turns out it's actually a threat. According to Merriam Webster, a deadline is "a line drawn within or around a prison that a prisoner passes at the risk of being shot".

Translating that to the business world, we could say that a deadline is a line in time that someone passes at the risk of... what? I'd like to think nobody is threatening with shooting people, but it sure is a threat.

Small words, but powerful. If we want to collaborate and produce great results together, it's my opinion that threatening is far from ideal. Rather, let's understand why we're doing what we are doing and make sure that we have good reasons to do it properly and on time.

No threats in my office, please!

reposted to Management by jtauber

1 later thought