
3 thoughts
last posted June 25, 2015, 10:50 a.m.
get stream as: markdown or atom

I love where meteor is headed. There are now a ton of really good open source apps that can quickly be deployed to container hosts like Amazon, Modulus and Heroku. It's starting to feel a lot like something is emerging that could replace the LAMP stack... and it's high time that happened.


A few years ago, I blogged that you should code in a language you like.

Six years later, I'm glad I followed that advice. It's so much easier to enjoy life when you enjoy work... mainly because for at least 40 hours a week, life is work.


I've been doing a lot of JavaScript lately... and had a chance to spend some time on - a really mature Python app.

Wow, Python is clean.

It's so easy to pick up Python and just start coding. Readable code really helps.

Child Streams


0 thoughts
updated May 19, 2015, 12:59 p.m.