We've tried to make the v1.0 API flexible so that it can facilitate lots of different messaging patterns. I hope we can preserve that as we start working on v1.1 and v2.0. ---- Our current thinking on Marconi's storage sharding architecture... [diagram](http://grab.by/rsoI) ---- Slightly updated sharding diagram: [http://grab.by/rsoI](http://grab.by/rsoI) ---- We are thinking about publishing the API schema from the API itself, such that it can be consumed by client libraries in order to reduce the amount of hard-coded formatting of requests to the service. Should make it a lot easier for maintainers to adapt their clients when the API changes, and DRY up their code. ---- Kudos to flaper87 for his design work on the client. I like layers. Reminds me of cake. ---- Trying to get some t-shirts put together. They *will* be awesome. ---- I think I've got a good py3-compatible pattern worked out for magic string messages. Check out [this gist][1]. [1]: https://gist.github.com/kgriffs/7951625