XKCD's [Click and Drag](http://xkcd.com/1110/) is a wonderfully massive drawing with all sorts of hidden gems in it if you're willing to, well, click and drag. ---- The drawing is divided into 2048 x 2048 pixel tiles. ---- Each tile has a file name of the form (n|s)(w|e).png ---- I wrote a quick Python script that starts at `1n1e` and successfully attempts to load in each of four directions (keeping track of where it's already been) to explore the entire contiguous tile set. ---- The full extent seems to be `8n` and `19s` in the vertical and `33w` and `48e` in the horizontal. That means an 81 x 27 tile extent (or 2,187 possible tile locations). ---- There are, however, 212 actual tile locations that don't `404`. That's still 889,192,448 pixels! ---- First attempt at showing which locations in the overall extent actually have tiles: ![which tiles exists](http://f.cl.ly/items/3f091E1G350s361B2G2m/clickdrag.png) ---- I'm suspicious I haven't got it right yet, though, as there's nothing in the lower half. ---- Attempting a brute-force retrieval without requiring contiguity. ---- Doing a brute-force retrieval resulted in 225 tiles instead of 212. ---- Without requiring contiguity, here are the tile locations: ![second attempt showing tiles in green](http://f.cl.ly/items/0N3r322I3I293Z0t2G2s/clickdrag.png) ---- With the extra 13 tiles, that means the pixel count is actually 943,718,400 (although that's just the locations for which there are tiles; arguably there are "pixels" in the white areas above too) ---- 27 x 81 x 2048 x 2048 = 9,172,942,848 ---- Hmm, looks like a bug is causing the symmetry, not the data. ---- Here is a (hopefully bug-free) version of where the tiles are: ![tiles with bug](http://f.cl.ly/items/2l1T13353r1a0T2B0H1c/Screen%20Shot%202012-09-19%20at%207.23.39%20PM.png) ---- Here's a 1/64th scale version (which this site will further scale to fit the card): ![scaled version](http://f.cl.ly/items/3F440Y0l2p2l3Z1O2n2w/Screen%20Shot%202012-09-19%20at%207.31.43%20PM.png) Full 1/64th scale version at: [http://cl.ly/image/352L0Y2g2X06](http://cl.ly/image/352L0Y2g2X06) ---- David Glick has pointed out there's a `13n1e` which goes against my earlier comment about `8n` being the "north"-most extent. Recalculating some pictures now... ---- Fixed 1/64th scale version: [http://cl.ly/image/3y0p0Q1s3M2R](http://cl.ly/image/3y0p0Q1s3M2R) ---- Fixed the northern extent and flipped the polarity below "sea-level": ![http://f.cl.ly/items/3a2W1X0M1y053A430t3Y/Screen%20Shot%202012-09-19%20at%208.06.59%20PM.png](http://f.cl.ly/items/3a2W1X0M1y053A430t3Y/Screen%20Shot%202012-09-19%20at%208.06.59%20PM.png) ---- I haven't stated it explicitly here yet, but "north" locations default to all white if no tile and "south" locations default to all black if no tile.