Thinking about studying for my Level 2 sommelier certification, I thought an ontology of wine regions and varietals would make sense (largely to drive learning tools). ---- A quick search revealed quite a bit of work on wine ontologies. Not yet sure how much of it would be applicable to, say, adaptive testing of region knowledge but I'm going to dive in over the coming months. ---- Related to this is whether there are shape files that define appellations. I haven't found anything yet. ---- I did find this: [Google Earth Community, Wine Regions of the World Version 1.3, Global, 2006]( ---- OpenStreetMap has a [tag for vineyards]( ---- Looks like French AOC/AOP and IGP data might be available here: ---- Actually looks more useful. ---- [OpenWines org on GitHub]( ---- And looks like the OpenWines org on GitHub is responsible for . ---- They have geojson shape files for all the appellations in Loire: ---- There's a good list here of [existing wine ontology work]( ---- So I think what I want to start with is purely region / appellation containment data. That way I can generate quizzes along the lines of "which of the following are appellations in the X region" or "which region is the X AOC in".