IP addresses can be sorted with `sort -V`. (It's the option for version numbers.) ---- In the original Civilization, there was a signed integer bug that made Gandhi overly aggressive. Normally Gandhi's aggression level is a very low `1`. If you are playing a democracy, your opponents' aggressions are reduced by `2`. But what should have been Gandhi's aggression level of `-1` in that case was treated as `255`, making him the most aggressive possible. /via ---- The point on the Earth's surface furthest from the center of the Earth is NOT Mount Everest. Due to the equatorial bulge of the Earth, caused by its rotation, [Chimborazo](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chimborazo) in Ecuador is the furthest. ---- Tom Anderson (of MySpace fame) was a fellow hacker and friend of Bill Landreth. ---- Elvis was a huge Monty Python fan. ---- Growing up, I assumed the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn were defined at a set latitude, but I recently discovered they are, in fact, astronomical and vary over time. ---- And I *just* learned that the Arctic and Antarctic Circles are similarly astronomical and vary over time. ---- You can do a discrete Fourier transform in just one short line of J: ``` dft=: +/ .* ^@o.@(0j2&% * (*/ -)@i.)@# ``` Courtesy of [this post](http://blog.ndpar.com/2014/10/11/dft-j/) by Andrey Paramonov which I indirectly found via a link from [Dave's recently TIL post on the `jlang` hashtag](https://thoughtstreams.io/Dave/til/7403/). ---- The Celsius temperate scale was originally reversed, with 0º at the boiling point of water and 100º at the freezing point. It was flipped to the direction we know now after a couple of years, after Celsius had died (although numerous people seem to have independently developed it). ---- "if a practitioner [of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu] receives his or her black belt at 19 years old, the earliest they could expect to receive a ninth degree red belt would be at the age of 67."