I've planned from the start to do a lightweight anonymous "kudos" like [Svtble](https://svbtle.com) but I'm also considering a Slashdot style "informative, insightful, funny, ..." ---- TED talks also have a potentially useful taxonomy too. ---- Slashdot's taxonomy seems to be: * Insightful * Informative * Interesting * Funny ---- TED's taxonomy is: * Jaw-dropping * Persuasive * Courageous * Ingenious * Fascinating * Inspiring * Beautiful * Funny * Informative * OK * Unconvincing * Confusing * Longwinded * Obnoxious ---- - There needs to be some sort of 'kudos' system - I know jtauber is [already working on this](https://thoughtstreams.io/jtauber/thoughtstream-likes/) - but I thought I'd just repeat it because I can. I think that it would work best per-card, with maybe a 'starring' ability for the whole stream. ---- ## Likes We've added the ability to **like cards**. Just hover over a card and click the heart to let the author know you like what they said. ![likes.png](/media/202/likes.png) If a card already has likes, they will be visible without hover. ---- ## Favorites As well as liking cards, you can now also **favorite people and streams**. This is done by clicking the star on a stream or profile page. ![favorites.png](/media/203/favorites.png) But whereas likes are a lightweight way of acknowledging what someone has written, favoriting an entire stream or a person has an additional effect. Now on the main page that shows the latest updated streams, new streams, general thoughts and the fire hose, you can now choose to **filter** just by favorites. ![switcher.png](/media/204/switcher.png) When filtering by favorites, you'll only see content from streams you've favorited and from people you've favorited.