[Swift page on developer.apple.com](https://developer.apple.com/swift/) [Swift Programming Language iBook](https://itunes.apple.com/gb/book/swift-programming-language/id881256329) ---- Swift does Perl-style string interpolation from locals: let apples = 3 let appleSummary = "I have \(apples) apples." ---- Square brackets are used for both lists *and* dictionaries. `[]` means an empty list and `[:]` means an empty dictionary. ---- Not sure I'm a huge fan of `if` having to take a boolean (although I understand it's consistent with other decisions). In Python, I like being able to say `if items` where `items` is a list. ---- Optional values are intriguing: explicitly declaring something to be nullable. ---- They've gone with: for (foo, bar) in baz meaning `baz` is a dictionary, `foo` the key and `bar` the value. I guess that's because they don't have lists of tuples and so `baz` couldn't be a list of tuples (like the above would be interpreted in Python) **EDIT**: I think they *do* have lists of tuples so I guess they just don't have Python's tuple unpacking. **EDIT 2**: Oh wait, they *do* have tuple unpacking. So how does the above work? Maybe it works one way with dictionaries and another way with lists? ---- There's a syntax for both an inclusive and exclusive range. `1..5` means 1 thru 4, `1...5` means 1 thru 5. ---- Lexical scoping. Given how often I now rely on it, I sometimes forget that Python didn't have it for ages. ---- Interesting syntactic sugar: “A closure passed as the last argument to a function can appear immediately after the parentheses.” i.e. foo(...) {...} instead of foo(..., {...}) ---- Wait, so the main difference between `class` and `struct` is that one is pass-by-reference and the other pass-by-value? ---- Disappointed that Swift didn't borrow from Go in not needing implementations of a protocol/interface to explicitly declare the fact. ---- Ah, I now understand the `if let` thing better. Optionals evaluate to a boolean so if `foo` is a `String?` then you can say `if foo` to test if `foo` is non-nil. Now if `foo` is non-nil, you can say `foo!` to get that value (you'll get a runtime error if `foo` is nil). So: if let bar = foo { ... } is syntactic sugar for: if foo { let bar = foo! ... } ---- An additional nice thing about the `if let` syntax is that methods like `.toInt()` return optionals (rather than raising an exception) so you can do things like: if let myInt = someValue.toInt() { // myInt is someValue converted to an Integer } else { // someValue is not convertible to an Integer } ---- Something to watch for: -9 % 4 // equals -1 ---- Looks like `\(...)` string interpolation supports any expression. ---- I like that you can label loop structures and then refer to the label in a `break` or `continue`. I actually needed that in Python last night. ---- I'm not yet convinced of the value of external parameter names. I guess they only make sense if you want to keep Objective-C-like naming of named-args without the weirdness that can result from that in the function body. **EDIT**: Ah, I see. It seems external parameter names are *required* if you want to call the function with explicit names and Swift lets you use a different name for that case than what you want to call it in the function body. There is the `#` syntax if the name in the function body is the same as the external parameter. **EDIT 2**: In light of this, it seems a little odd that parameters with default values are automatically given external parameters names (without needing to use `#`). ---- Interesting to have `inout` parameters when you also support functions with multiple return values. ---- Is it always possible to write: function name(inputs) -> output { body } as name = { (inputs) -> output in body } ? ---- I like that, in Swift, you don't have a separate operator function (like `operator.gt(a, b)` in Python) but instead can just pass in `>` where the function is needed. ---- One thing is clear: Swift has a *lot* of syntactic sugar. reversed = sort(names, >) means reversed = sort(names, { $0 > $1 } ) which means reversed = sort(names, { a, b in a > b } ) which means reversed = sort(names, { a, b in return a > b } ) which means reversed = sort(names, { (a: String, b: String) -> Bool in return a > b } ) which is the same as: func backwards(a: String, b: String) -> Bool { return a > b } reversed = sort(names, backwards) and none of that even makes use of trailing closure syntactic sugar yet! ---- There's a Firefly reference really early on but then on Page 220 of the Swift book there's a Dr Who reference: println("Lots of planets have a north") HHGTTG reference on Page 221. Perhaps I should go back and find others. ---- Given the overlaps between classes and enumerations, I wonder if the best way to think of enumerations is as classes with a finite, fixed set of instances. ---- One of the interesting things about the `if let` with optionals is you can chain optionals together and handle a nil at any level with a single `if`. ---- The postfix `?` (at least after a type `T`) is just syntactic sugar for `Optional` which is a `enum` of `None` and `Some(T)` which conforms to the `LogicValue` protocol. **UPDATE**: but now see ---- Working through an iOS development tutorial, I hit a known issue in the first beta of Xcode 6: "Unwind segue actions declared in Swift classes are not recognized by Interface Builder". I found this: but still haven't got it working. ---- This looks helpful: [Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C](https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/BuildingCocoaApps/BuildingCocoaApps.pdf) ---- Building Cocoa apps in Swift is a little like what I remember writing Tk apps in Python was like. The biggest challenge is all the documentation is written for a different language binding. ---- I wonder if an enum with one value is actually a good way to implement singletons. ---- I also wonder to what extent enums can be used for algebraic data types. ---- I just spent a couple of hours debugging my port of Minilight from Python (itself a port) to Swift. The bug turned out to be that in the Python version I could test for non-None and non-zero at same time; in Swift I need to test separately. So my Python was: distance = triangle.get_intersection(...) if distance and (distance < nearest_distance): ... Now distance can be `None` as well as `0.0` and the above code handles both. My original Swift port, however, neglected the `0.0` case and only handled the `nil` case in the clever type-safe way that `if let` supports: if let distance = triangle.getIntersection(...) { if distance < nearestDistance { ... The fix was to make it: if let distance = triangle.getIntersection(...) { if distance > 0 && distance < nearestDistance { ... I wonder if that experience is actually an argument *for* if clauses only taking explicit booleans (contra what I posted here earlier).