I have been given the [Ship of Theseus](http://hachettebookgroup.com/titles/vm-straka/ship-of-theseus/9781478928225/) as an Easter gift, which an amazing surprise. Immediately however you are confronted with the challenge of how you are meant to read it. After reading the annotations in the title pages I have decided to try and take three passes at it. First to read the novel "as written", then tackle the translator's footnotes, then finally the marginalia. ---- Sounds so much like my kind of thing! From wikipedia: > S. is a 2013 novel written by Doug Dorst and conceived by J.J. Abrams. The novel is unique in its format, presented as a story within a story. It is composed of the fictional novel Ship of Theseus by a fictional author, and hand-written notes filling the book's margins as a dialogue between two college students hoping to uncover the author's mysterious identity and the novel's secret plus loose supplementary materials tucked in between pages. ---- Of course, in light of this, there's something very appropriate about reposting from a stream called *The ship of Theseus* into a stream called *S.* and commenting on it. ---- I'm also wondering if there'll be some point in the future where someone will write a novel in ThoughtStreams :-)