## Poincaré Project 10 years ago today, I started my Poincaré Project with [this post](http://jtauber.com/blog/2004/09/17/journey_to_the_poincare_conjecture/). I'd love to return to it as there's still a lot more to do. ---- In September 2006, the project was [posted to Reddit](http://www.reddit.com/comments/gj8p/proof_of_the_poincare_conjecture_in_plain_english) with unfortunate description (not mine) of being an explanation in "plain English" which brought out haters. ---- My first PyCon, I volunteered to chair the session on science applications because the topics were [economics, computational neuroscience and differential geometry](http://jtauber.com/blog/2007/02/17/economics,_computational_neuroscience_and_differential_geometry/) (very obscurely all interests of mine). The differential geometry speaker actually told the audience that if they wanted a good background to the subject, to check out my Poincaré blog posts (I had no idea he even knew who I was) which was one of the highlights of the entire conference for me. ---- On January 2nd, 2012, the wonderful [@TopologyFact](https://twitter.com/topologyfact) run by [John Cook](http://www.johndcook.com) [tweeted a link](https://twitter.com/TopologyFact/status/154024956030758912) to the project. Two days earlier I had described John as [my favorite Twitter find of 2011](https://twitter.com/jtauber/status/153255003824463872) and I guess that led to him wondering who I was which led to him discovering my blog posts. ---- The following day (Tolkien's birthday, incidentally), [Gema Quintana](https://twitter.com/rubiq), a PhD student in differential geometry, did one of her 3x combos of a retweet, favorite and quote of @TopologyFact's tweet and we started following each other on twitter. Two and a half years later, paralleling my comment to John Cook, Gema said "[you are my best descubrimiento in twitter ever](https://twitter.com/rubiq/status/493081735996125185)". ---- As well as continuing with more content (as I've really not gotten anywhere near the actual topic of the *proof* of Poincaré's conjecture), I've thought to revisit the existing posts, possibly add some animations. ---- It would also be possible (and I had actually started to go down that path at one point) of using some of the content as an introduction to the mathematics of general relativity (which is actually my original interest in differential geometry). ---- Given the path of understanding is probably similar up until the point I explain Ricci flow, I may as well treat the next lots of articles as background for GR. ---- Just after the @TopologyFacts tweet in January 2012, I started putting some of the content on Github as a Sphinx doc. The repo is and I publish the results to Read the Docs at: too. Still not sure if I'll continue that particular approach.