Swift Programming Language

New in Swift Beta 3

7 thoughts
last posted July 12, 2014, 4:05 p.m.
get stream as: markdown or atom

This fails in Beta 3:

``` struct Foo {}

struct Bar { var data: [Foo] init() { data = Foo } func test() { data[2] = Foo() } } ```


error: '@lvalue $T7' is not identical to 'Foo' at the data[2] = Foo() line.

Just to be clear, the following works in the initial release:

struct Foo {} struct Bar { var data: Foo[] init() { data = Foo[](count: 5, repeatedValue: Foo()) } func test() { data[2] = Foo() } }

UPDATE: The failure is not because Foo is empty. The following fails:

struct Foo { let i: Int } struct Bar { var data: [Foo] init() { data = [Foo](count: 5, repeatedValue: Foo(i:2)) } func test() { data[2] = Foo(i:2) } }

with error: '@lvalue $T8' is not identical to 'Foo'

UPDATE 2: changing Bar to a class fixes the issue. Hat tip to Andy Dirnberger for the suggestion.


pi (and presumably maths functions) are no longer available via import Foundation. Not yet sure where they've moved.

UPDATE: I can just use M_PI.


The global sort function now mutates its first argument.

A new sorted function returns a new collection.


The half-closed operator .. is now ..<.

... has stayed the same.


[Key:Value] has now been introduced as syntactic sugar for Dictionary<Key, Value>


Instead of Foo[] the syntactic sugar for Array<Foo> is now [Foo].