# MOOCs Completed These are the MOOCs I've completed and passed. ### edX * Introduction to Biology: The Secret of Life (MIT) * Quantitative Biology Workshop (MIT) * **Fundamentals of Neuroscience** (Harvard) * Part 1: Electrical Properties of the Neuron * Part 2: Neurons and Networks * Proteins: Biology's Workforce (Rice) * **Astronomy XSeries** (ANU) * ASTRO1x: Greatest Unsolved Mysteries of the Universe * ASTRO2x: Exoplanets * ASTRO3x: The Violent Universe * ASTRO4x: Cosmology * FP101x Introduction to Functional Programming (Delft) * Jazz Appreciation (UT Austin) ### Coursera * Astrobiology and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life (Edinburgh) * Write Like Mozart: An Introduction to Classical Music Composition (NUS) * Exploring Beethoven’s Piano Sonatas (Curtis) * The Bilingual Brain (Houston) * Gamification (UPenn) * Managing the Company of the Future (London) * Learning How to Learn (UCSD) * **TESOL Certificate, Part 1: Teach English Now!** (ASU) * Teach English Now! Foundational Principles * Teach English Now! Theories of Second Language Acquisition * Teach English Now! Lesson Design and Assessment * **Game Design and Development** (MSU) * Introduction to Game Development * **Game Design: Art and Concepts** (CalArts) * Introduction to Game Design * Music as Biology: What We Like to Hear and Why (Duke) * **Ancient Philosophy** (UPenn) * Plato & His Predecessors * Aristotle and His Successors * Big History: Connecting Knowledge (Macquarie) * Confronting the Big Questions: Highlights of Modern Astronomy (Rochester) * Sit Less, Get Active (Edinburgh) ### Stanford * Digging Deeper: Making Manuscripts ---- # MOOCs In Progress These are the MOOCs I've started. Per my comments on [MOOC Completion Rates](https://thoughtstreams.io/jtauber/mooc-completion-rates/) I may drop out of some of these. Also, now that Coursera let you switch sessions, I tend to do this a lot if I'm falling behind (so courses could stay in this list for a long time). ### edX ### Coursera * Build a Modern Computer from First Principles: From Nand to Tetris (Project-Centered Course) (HUJI) * **TESOL Certificate, Part 1: Teach English Now!** (ASU) * Teach English Now! Capstone Project 1 * **TESOL Certificate, Part 2: Teach English Now!** (ASU) * Teach English Now! Second Language Reading, Writing, and Grammar * **Game Design and Development** (MSU) * Principles of Game Design * **Interaction Design** (UCSD) * Human-Centered Design: an Introduction * **Game Design: Art and Concepts** (CalArts) * Story and Narrative Development for Video Games ---- # MOOCs Under Consideration These are the MOOCs I'm considering doing (and have enrolled in) which haven't started yet. ### Coursera * **TESOL Certificate, Part 2: Teach English Now!** (ASU) * Teach English Now! Second Language Listening, Speaking, and Pronunciation * Teach English Now! Technology Enriched Teaching * Teach English Now! Capstone Project 2 * **Game Design and Development** (MSU) * Business of Games and Entrepreneurship * Game Development for Modern Platforms * Game Design and Development Capstone * **Interaction Design** (UCSD) * Design Principles: an Introduction * Social Computing * Input and Interaction * User Experience: Research & Prototyping * Information Design * Designing, Running, and Analyzing Experiments * Interaction Design Capstone Project * **Game Design: Art and Concepts** (CalArts) * World Design for Video Games * Character Design for Video Games * Game Design Document: Define the Art & Concepts * Introduction into General Theory of Relativity (HSE)