In my pre-teens, I was interested in programming and 3D graphics and so had one number memorized: 57.29577951... That's 180 / π, the number of degrees in a radian. I was used to dealing in degrees (I didn't yet appreciate the benefits of radians) but my trigonometric functions in BASIC took angles in radians. ---- I remember one day in Mr Cumusky's maths class, when I was 13, thinking about the fact that tan 90º goes to infinity. I wondered what tan 89º was. My calculator gave me: 57.28996163... I was intrigued at how close that was to 180 / π. ---- I tried 89.9º and got: 572.9572136... I was shocked to recognize even more of the digits from 180 / π, albeit with the decimal place shifted over one. ---- So imagine my even greater shock when I tried tan 89.99º and got: 5729.577893... which was even closer but again with the decimal place shifted over. ---- I noted that the sequence 89 89.9 89.99 89.999 is 90 minus 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 or, in other words: 90 − 100 90 − 10−1 90 − 10−2 90 − 10−3 and that, furthermore, that negative power was the same as the positive power you had to divide tan by to get 180 / π. ---- In other words, you can approximate 180 / π as tan(90º − 10−n) / 10n ---- And hence, approximate π as: ### 180 × 10n / tan(90º − 10−n) ---- This gives the sequence: 3.1419116870791406... 3.141595843539755... 3.141592685494158... 3.141592653911621... which gets closer and closer to π. ---- I showed my friend Gerald Yong (featured in my stream on meeting [Murry Gell-Mann]( and we decided to call this Cumusky's Pi after our beloved maths teacher.