Swift Programming Language

Algebraic Data Types in Swift

11 thoughts
last posted Feb. 8, 2015, 9:19 p.m.
get stream as: markdown or atom

Swift 1.1 still doesn't support

enum Tree<T>{case Leaf(T); case Node(Tree<T>, Tree<T>)}

despite claims it was just a "bug" preventing it.


Sorry to say, Beta 5 still doesn't support recursive enums!!


enum Tree { case Empty case Leaf(Int) case Node(Tree, Tree) }

isn't the right way to do it.

But the above continues to crash the REPL.


Beta 4 still doesn't support recursive enums!


Looks like Beta 3 still doesn't support recursive enums :-(


brosner found this:

@jopamer Hey, Swift looks really nice - wondering if enums can have recursive defs: enum Tree<T>{case Leaf(T); case Node(Tree<T>, Tree<T>)}?

— Carlos Scheidegger (@scheidegger) June 2, 2014

@scheidegger Thanks, Carlos! Not quite yet, but only because of a bug. I'm currently tracking it, and I'll look into addressing it soon

— Joe Pamer (@jopamer) June 2, 2014

The fact these things actually error gives me hope that they're just bugs not intentional limitations of the language.


Of course that's fixed to being a Tree of Ints.

enum Tree<T>:TreeLike {
    case Empty
    case Leaf(T)
    case Node(TreeLike, TreeLike)

which kills the REPL with:

LLVM ERROR: unimplemented IRGen feature! non-fixed multi-payload enum layout
Assertion failed: (err == 0), function ~Mutex, file /SourceCache/lldb_KLONDIKE/lldb_KLONDIKE-320.3.100/source/Host/common/Mutex.cpp, line 246.
Abort trap: 6

And TreeLike isn't even the suitable generic.

Tree.Node(Tree.Node(Tree.Leaf(1), Tree.Leaf(2)), Tree.Leaf(3))

work with the above definition of Tree.


This works (as is but not sure if it would work once we start adding other things):

protocol TreeLike {}
enum Tree:TreeLike {
    case Empty
    case Leaf(Int)
    case Node(TreeLike, TreeLike)

Ugh, looks like you can't recurse in enums.

enum Tree {
    case Empty
    case Leaf(Int)
    case Node(Tree, Tree)

kills the REPL with a Bus error: 10.


I also wonder to what extent enums can be used for algebraic data types.