Project Management

4 thoughts
last posted Dec. 2, 2015, 4:41 p.m.
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People seem to forget what has been decided even a few weeks or days ago. So I decided to start capturing every decision.

After reading I came up with the following plan:

  • Create a project log (I use Zim for note taking) for every project
  • Capture every meeting, important mails or other events in the project log
  • Put the date and the participants in the title
  • Using bullet points and indentation (outliner style) to organize the content seems to work fine
  • Mark every actions with [Action: Name] and every decision with [Decision]
  • Below [Decision] note rationale and alternative solutions
  • Some decisions are based on assumptions. If that's the case it must be stated below [Decision]

Important documents I need to keep for every project:

  • Project log to track actions/decisions and general information
  • Current and historic KPIs for the project (more on this later)
  • List of problems and external factors that impact the project
  • List of stakeholders with email addresses and role

I use the term projects for everything from adding a feature to an existing project as a single developer to big greenfield projects.


Reminder to myself:

  • Have written task descriptions - People seem to forget a lot of things
  • If you want to verify if something works/is done don't just ask verbally but test it yourself or get someone to demo it to you