Selecting and killing a process in htop can be difficult because the order of the processes constantly shift. Press `F` to let the cursor follow the currently selected process. ---- To make an alias with fish shell create a new function. Avoid recursion by using the `command` command: function ls command ls -l end ---- Kill multiple processes with htop: * Press `F4` and filter for the processes * For each process press `Space` to mark it * Press `F9` and select a signal to kill all marked processes ---- Just learned about pkill. pkill allows to send signals to processes by specifiying the process name: ``` pkill -9 firefox ``` Here I am feeling dump that I used things like this for the last couple of years: ``` ps ax | grep firefox | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9 ``` ---- JSON hard to read? Try beautifying it with: ``` python -m json.tool multiproject.json ``` Note: This also seems to validate the JSON. ---- Just a quick one because I need this all the time but I keep forgetting it: How to append the current date to a filename. ``` touch abcd_`date +%F` ls abcd* > abcd_2015-09-17 ``` or if you are using fish: ``` touch abcd_(date +%F) ``` ---- Mysql ===== ``` select * from token\G ``` instead of ``` select * from token; ``` will display the the columns as rows below each record. This can avoid line breaks in the output and make it easier to read. ---- SSL === Get information about a SSL certificate: ``` openssl x509 -in test.crt -text -noout ``` ---- How to copy a vagrant image to another machine ======================================== Copy the ssh key from `~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key` and append it to the same file on the other machine to be able to log into the machine later. Next: ``` vagrant package --base vm-name --output /path/to/ ``` Copy file to other machine. Then do: ``` vagrant init vm-name /path/to/ vagrant up ``` Source: ---- To copy files to the home directory using scp you can use the shortcut `./` ``` scp user1@ ``` ---- Multiple architectures on Ubuntu =========================== List current *main* architecture: ``` > dpkg --print-architecture amd64 ``` List other architectures that are allowed on this system: ``` > dpkg --print-foreign-architectures i386 ``` Modify non-main architectures: ``` sudo dpkg --add-architecture test sudo dpkg --remove-architecture test ``` Specifying the architecture when installing packages: ``` sudo apt-get install libsdl-image1.2:i386 ``` Foreign architectures will be installed in separate directories. E.g.: `/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/`. Show all packages with a foreign architecture: ``` dpkg -l | grep :i386 ``` More info: ---- Cool tip: When typing in a command in a urxvt you can press shift + mouse click anywhere on the current line to move the cursor. Very useful when fixing a typo in a long command.