On Web Publishing and 'Simplicity'

6 thoughts
last posted Sept. 4, 2015, 7:02 p.m.

3 earlier thoughts


Let's also get one other thing straight, regarding "caching".

This quote from How We Build CMS-Free Websites is representative of the misunderstanding I'm getting at:

CMSs consisted of templating logic, application code, and content databases so they could assemble webpages each time they were requested by site visitors. They were complicated systems that depend on many separate applications working together, like a web server to route page requests to a PHP application that uses pre-defined page layout templates to format content that’s stored in a MySQL database... In the end though, the ability to keep the website “up” and serving content at pace with a deluge of requests depends on the developers’ ability to turn on new servers and a reliance on caching schemes.

Let's be clear that -- even without a database -- unless you're authoring content as complete, raw HTML pages, you're using a caching scheme. The only difference at that point is the method used to invalidate and regenerate the cache.

2 later thoughts