Apple Foundation

7 thoughts
last posted Nov. 2, 2013, 2:54 a.m.

5 earlier thoughts


Now stay with me, because I'm about to make a bit of a stretch here.

Home-grown programmers depend on open tools and easy control of their computers in order to flourish, and "open" is clearly not a mantra for Apple. iOS, for example, is completely closed. You can't distribute a program for iOS without Apple's approval (or without circumventing their controls). Apple might even be seen to be the enemy of hacking, with their increasingly closed and un-repairable hardware.

I'm not going to debate that one way or the other. What I'm suggesting is that this could actually play rather well into a Foundation storyline.

In Foundation, a large part of the initial evolution of Seldon's colony involves concentrating technological know-how into the hands of an elite few, a class of initiates who form a priestly caste that eventually controls most of the technology upon which the neighbouring civilizations depend. All of this is one phase of part of a larger plan to ensure a re-flowering and re-expansion of scientific knowledge and civilization in the far future.

It's much too fanciful to suggest that closing off development and hardware hackability is actually part of a Jobsian plan to make a civilization of computer geniuses. But the Foundation storyline gives it a context that makes it plausible as fiction.

1 later thought