I've used various todo list systems & software, and I hate them all. Here's roughly what I want. I'll try to remember to update as I think of things. ## Projects So I can * make plans * group actions together * see progress * limit work-in-progress ## Contexts So I can see only the things that it's possible for me to do right now. Really, this is flagged for dependencies. ## Technology * Android support * OS X support * _Encrypted_ cloud-based storage * Offline usage * Flawless synchronization * Pluggable storage backend so I can comply with security policies of various employers * Import and export * Open format ## Philosophy * Easy capture of random ideas and things that come up * Minimize sense of obligation for following up on random ideas * Limit work-in-progress * Remind you of _why_ a thing is important * Because I'm a human, that's often _who it's for_ – a face * Encourage me to say 'no' to things * Work on *one thing* at a time * Emphasise and reward things done, encourage the transformation of done tasks into meaningful achievements