Reviewing Twisted tickets

5 thoughts
last posted Oct. 14, 2014, 2:34 p.m.
get stream as: markdown or atom

Reviewing Twisted tickets

It's been a while since I've done this regularly. The technology has changed, and maybe the processes too.

This stream tracks notes, mostly made for my own benefit.

The documentation on the wiki is pretty good, but spread out over quite a few pages. Writing things down here helps me remember them, and maybe will act as a quick reference.


Setting up dev environment

git set up for core developer

Relevant instructions from:

$ sudo apt-get install git subversion git-svn

$ git clone Twisted

$ git config --file Twisted/.git/config --bool --add diff.noprefix true

$ cd Twisted

$ git svn init --stdlayout --tags tags/releases --prefix origin/  svn://

$ git config --add svn-remote.svn.pushurl svn+ssh://

$ git config --global --bool svn.rmdir true


Available at

$ mkvirtualenv twisted

$ workon twisted
(twisted)$ pip install twisted-dev-tools
(twisted)$ mkbranch --help
Usage: mkbranch [options]
      --version  Display Twisted version and exit.
      --help     Display this help and exit.

Notes from #7633

  • Style – Don't need to review for style-guide compliance – that's the twistedchecker buildbot's job
  • Tests – There's a "buildbot" link in the "branch" field of the ticket description – check to see it's green before approving
  • Actions – Always say what the next step should be

(rephrased from glyph's email)



Check that it's passing before proceeding. If it's not passing, make it pass before even bothering to review anyone else's tickets.

If you can't make it pass, then at least try to understand the intermittent failures in advance.

Twisted Checker

I got a failure from the Twisted Checker for a branch that introduced no new changes, despite it being green on trunk. I don't know why.