we're in a process of open sourcing parts of our graphical information system (gis) which itself is built on open source. ---- ## Organization Site netflix and square (not to confuse with those who made the final fantasy games) have open sourced a lot of projects. their solutions could be an inspiration. both have an organization webpage that lists their projects. - https://netflix.github.io/ (netflix open source software center) - https://square.github.io/ (square open source) both are also nearly similar in their structure. projects are organized in multiple categories (e.g. "infrastructure services", "build and deploy tools"). these categories contain the projects visualized as cards, which show the project's name, links to a project page and a github page, a description and a project logo. ----- ![square-opensource.png](/media/304/square-opensource.png) _(screenshot of the square open source webpage)_ ---- so, this is interesting. the **homepage** (square.github.io) is very much the same as the github organization page (github.com/square). the **project pages** (square.github.io/dagger) similar to the github repositories (github.com/square/dagger). I think it's worth the effort to build both of them. it allows us to customize content and style, add and remove some stuff. for the project page that means, corporate identity, a nice overview of projects (instead of the project lists ordered by last update), and links to social media. for the project pages this means, more prominent placement of the readme (instead of the source code view), a navigation bar for the readme's sections and prominent placement of links to apidocs, social media, and download links to the most recent version. ---- **GitHub Pages** is a nice place to host static websites. We also need a lightweight static site generator. I really like Harp.js and Metalsmith. Harp.js provides a zero-configuration solution, whereas Metalsmith provides a configurable plugin system. ---- - http://harpjs.com/ - http://www.metalsmith.io/ ---- A basic incomplete version of the organization and project pages is online: https://entera.github.io/. ----- ![the-squirrels-band460px.png](/media/322/the-squirrels-band460px.png)