# Editorial Editorial is a text editor for the iPad that includes a python runtime suitable for scripting applications such as posting the current document to thoughtstreams.io. It is quite similar to Drafts but not limited to the applications you have installed and their URL handler hacks. ---- ## Keychain access Because Editorial exposes the keychain API to the user it becomes relatively easy to create shareable workflows that require credentials. Such as this thoughtstreams.io workflow. [Send to thoughtstreams](http://editorial-app.appspot.com/workflow/5777646378024960/h4Fb_n8QW68) ---- The editorial thoughtstreams workflows should end up being much more flexible than Thoughtmail. ---- When posting whole document use a marker to allow you to sync periodically without reposting the whole document. ---- Let you post multiple cards by splitting on '---' ---- Download public streams as markdown and let you post new thoughts to the inbox that let you build on that stream.