
2 thoughts; 0 streams
last posted March 19, 2017, 3:14 p.m.
Joined on March 19, 2017, 2:45 p.m.
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Ok, I just signed up for ThoughtStreams, and I was checking out my settings and saw one of the things I was originally hoping this micro-blogging framework had: Exporting data!

Now I just need to find the option that allows me to "get stream as MarkDown" like it does in this one.


I stumbled onto ThoughtStreams after finding a great post on CSS Hexagons by James Tauber (Thanks James!).

I quickly grew excited about using ThoughtStreams because it

  • Distinguishes between "blogs" and "thoughts" (and often I'm wanting to jot down my thoughts rather than full-blown blogs),
  • Uses MarkDown, which I believe is the happy middle-ground between the richness of HTML and the simplicity of plain text, and
  • Appears quite mature of a product (much like what I wanted to build).

Of course, I also noted that James identifies himself as a Christian (Hi Bro'), and that puts us in the same family.



Ok, I just signed up for ThoughtStreams, and I was checking out my settings and saw one of the things I was originally hoping this micro-blogging framework had: Exporting data!

Now I just need to find the option that allows me to "get stream as MarkDown" like it does in this one.


I stumbled onto ThoughtStreams after finding a great post on CSS Hexagons by James Tauber (Thanks James!).

I quickly grew excited about using ThoughtStreams because it

  • Distinguishes between "blogs" and "thoughts" (and often I'm wanting to jot down my thoughts rather than full-blown blogs),
  • Uses MarkDown, which I believe is the happy middle-ground between the richness of HTML and the simplicity of plain text, and
  • Appears quite mature of a product (much like what I wanted to build).

Of course, I also noted that James identifies himself as a Christian (Hi Bro'), and that puts us in the same family.


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