###More on sustaining founders Model now is starving recent college graduates who need investor funding to pay bills and scale up their startups. Power is at the angels and VCs who hold the money and pitches are basically elaborate loan applications. What if we pursued a more viable option: help founders create businesses that sustain them while also freeing them most of their hours to work on their own product ideas? And keep investors in the game for longer term courting as needed for startups to scale. ###Ideals models? 1. Consulting jobs that generate income now. 2. Help create revenue generating businesses with minimal time commitment. 3. SSG community to vet product ideas and team building for future co-founders. ---- Brainstorming extending SSG Jobs ---- https://twitter.com/charlesjo/status/605922213057826817 ---- https://twitter.com/charlesjo/status/605909306987278338 ---- ###My top picks for part-time jobs list for founders The TopChart list as of today for part-time jobs that founders can take to sustain themselves http://www.topchart.io/lists/best-part-time-jobs-for-startup-founders Of these, technical consulting (iPhone/Android and Web development) and teaching seem most promising and we have such talent at ssg. If you know of such projects, please join us at http://bit.ly/joinssg to discuss -- more features of ssg is at http://bit.ly/coolssg. Or just email me at charles@startupstudygroup.com. ---- This is a serious topic I want all of us at ssg to help brainstorm. For those already funded or not experiencing financial pressure, it would not apply but your ideas are welcome and you may find yourself in similar situation in future so this could be a good mental exercise. I've been in discussions privately with founders at ssg and outside ssg regarding how difficult it is to focus on getting product to MVP when having to stress out about next months rent and other bills. We have smart people so let's figure this out. SSG consulting is a project that may help. SSG Oplerno and Oplerno may be options. But let's explore all options. ThoughtStreams thread is https://thoughtstreams.io/charlesjo/sustainable-founders/?order=desc Ssg slack channel: #sustainable-founders ---- ###Sustainable Startup Founders There will be a couple of subtopics around this: * Supporting founders with great visions for the future that improves lives of everyone * Real solutions for founders to sustain themselves while pursuing MVP. ---- Brainstorm best part-time projects founders can work on while still have enough time to keep working on their MVP. http://www.topchart.io/lists/best-part-time-jobs-for-startup-founders ---- ###Why wait? People have bills to pay. Why wait for glacial speed of government & multinationals to create jobs? Let's create value, opportunities. Innovation at the edges.