Sustainable Founders

SSG Jobs

8 thoughts
last posted June 4, 2015, 4:23 a.m.
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Created separate stream for SSG Jobs.

repost from Sustainable Founders (originally from ssg )
repost from Sustainable Founders (originally from ssg )
repost from Sustainable Founders (originally from ssg )

Brainstorming extending SSG Jobs

repost from Sustainable Founders

My top picks for part-time jobs list for founders

The TopChart list as of today for part-time jobs that founders can take to sustain themselves

Of these, technical consulting (iPhone/Android and Web development) and teaching seem most promising and we have such talent at ssg.

If you know of such projects, please join us at to discuss -- more features of ssg is at

Or just email me at

repost from Sustainable Founders

This is a serious topic I want all of us at ssg to help brainstorm. For those already funded or not experiencing financial pressure, it would not apply but your ideas are welcome and you may find yourself in similar situation in future so this could be a good mental exercise.

I've been in discussions privately with founders at ssg and outside ssg regarding how difficult it is to focus on getting product to MVP when having to stress out about next months rent and other bills. We have smart people so let's figure this out. SSG consulting is a project that may help. SSG Oplerno and Oplerno may be options. But let's explore all options.

ThoughtStreams thread is Ssg slack channel: #sustainable-founders


Refocus Goals

Informal goal of 10k ssg membership by Dec 2015 is an exercise in ego. More important goal now is to sustain founders in our SSG community. SSG Jobs is an attempt to address this. Founders have bill to pay today.


This is a good list too.