Learning to Code

4 thoughts
last posted May 1, 2017, 5:52 p.m.
get stream as: markdown or atom

I'm also experimenting with other Markdown editors. It's a little disappointing that the pickings for Windows are pretty slim.


Over the weekend I switched my website writing (writing on websites not writing websites #genitivefail) from Open Live Writer to Typora.

Seems like a positive step toward better use of Markdown.


And some means of displaying xml data in a useful fashion...


I'm just beginning to start on a bit of a journey, a metaphorical one, of course, whereby I learn some basic coding skills.

  • Certainly Python.
  • Probably HTML5.
  • Improved knowledge of XML well-formedness.
  • More practice with Markdown.

Those are the starter goals. I know some about XML already. I regularly open up XML files in notepad++ to give the structure a looksee. I also know some HTML simply from 10 years of blogging...and I've picked up some Markdown just by happenstance.

We'll see where this goes...

Child Streams


2 thoughts
updated May 8, 2017, 6:11 p.m.