о русской музыки и кино

21 thoughts
last posted May 28, 2016, 1:26 p.m.

5 earlier thoughts


Space geeks may congratulate Falcon 9 and then stop to remember one of the more famous uses of a phrase which today is more frequently used to finish toasts: Поехали

From 1983 (a year in which my side of the iron curtain featured Van Halen's "Dreams" video) we have some dreams from the other side: the 'Earthlings', singing their award winner, an optimistic 'green grass of home':

Among many other appearances and remixes, the song was used in an old Nu Pogodi episode, and a recent documentary on XXI manned space flight, Трава у дома: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DTNWK_MChM

(this semi-space geek appreciated the "white sun of the desert" cameo, as well as the speed limit sign posted on board мир, ecumenically in both english and metric units)

15 later thoughts