It's unlikely Sergei Zhukov* reads XKCD, but if he were to have, Munroe's [feeling old]( chart contrasts nicely with lots of old-age makeup and a little confetti... * whom we last saw on a stairwell, at 2:20 of "[Beauty](о-русской-музыки-и-кино/10215/)" ---- appears (if my machine translation is reliable ... it seems one must pay attention to the verses in order to interpret the chorus) to be a 1990's interpretation of the genre of [Gaynor and Serduchka](о-русской-музыки-и-кино/10342/). ---- is a recent Baskov video. The tune is, well, saccharine, but the video goes to great lengths to be a "mini-movie". Or maybe even a "mini-musical"? Not my genre, so I may be missing otherwise obvious references, but even so, between the credits, the narration, and all the wipes on the one hand, and the pacing (*pace* Кулешов?) on the other, I found it an interesting attempt at fusion. In other bubblegum: IOWA, going a few decades less retro, not only plays with transitions, but also drops plenty of video references which I do get... ...and just to fill out a troika, I don't find it one of [their]( [better]( [efforts](, but Leningrad's latest director seems to have watched [far too much Tarantino]( lately. (or does that horse head come from Coppola?) ---- ## En passant We've had no shortage of Carnaval songs, and a [running](о-русской-музыки-и-кино-2/10679/) [theme](о-русской-музыки-и-кино/10484/) [of](о-русской-музыки-и-кино-3/10706/) [chess](о-русской-музыки-и-кино/10419/), but Friske and Leontev manage not only to combine both themes: but have set the russian themes and lyrics to a popular number from a french musical: « les rois du monde » (compare, both for form and content, to a [more recent]( francophone number) ... then again, there's always the combination of algebraic notation and slapstick in the chess episode of "Masha and Medved": "knight's move" ---- ФАБРИКА - А я за тобой *also* has a retro element, if not so obvious as either their [baroque tendency]( or [those](о-русской-музыки-и-кино-4/10834/) we've just [seen](о-русской-музыки-и-кино-4/10871/): once one gets past the frame story, it's a quotation of "Kidnapping, Caucasian Style": Если-б я был султан -- Кавказская пленница I already had this movie on the queue because of Geekfish's [mention]( of [Shurik](, but this mention is yet more impetus to get around to it. In the meantime, it seems apparent that one major difference over the last half-century is the cheesecake level; compare the 2016 video to the 1966 "song about bears":