
8 thoughts
last posted Oct. 24, 2014, 3:32 p.m.

1 later thought


Being a rock guy who is a sucker for a good pop hook, I've been a fan of Train for a while. Admittedly, what hooked me on the band originally was their bluesier, rock stuff that was very much a part of their early days. I burned out on them and for the most part had just stopped listening to them around 2009. My wife and I went to a show last week in Gilford NH and I have to say I was really impressed with their live show and it renewed my interest in the band. This week, I discovered an interesting side project of lead singer Pat Monahan called The Patcast which I've actually found to be a fun, sometimes insightful look at music, artists and the issues facing the music business in general. It doesn't hurt that he does some pretty solid interviews and live music performances with guests as well.

6 earlier thoughts